Saturday, June 13


  * Description: Coffee cortado (An latte...Image via Wikipedia

Last night I spoke to "him" on IM. I can't say it was a good conversation, can't say it was a bad one. I guess it's good that we're talking. Is it? I have no idea. I have a feeling its going to all wind up where it did before...absolutely fucking nowhere. This has been going on for way too long and I feel the friendship has kept me back. I think, as long as I don't hear his voice I'll be okay. That's easy to do. Avoid, avoid, avoid.

I have been on Nutrisystems for 1 week now and so far so good. I've incorporated some exercise into my new lifestyle change as well and it's not killing me yet. I do need to get a grip on my body before things get out of control. I am feeling really good. Also, I'm not feeling that afternoon crash anymore either since I've stopped drinking regular coffee. I have the energy of a 25 year old. It's amazing how the body responds so quickly. Well at least my body does.

I got a ticket through the mail the other day. Is that not cool or what? It's my first one. I love technology. It rocks. Since it was the day I started eating healthy again I will use it as my my 'before picture'. When I was a fatty. That's after I probably have to pay hundreds of dollars. I should go to traffic school but that's such a waste of my precious time.

Saturday, what's on the docket? Probably fucking nothing because hubby is still sleeping. As are the dogs. Fucking shit.

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