Sunday, June 28

the end of a sad week

I'm sure there are a lot of blogs about the celebs who have died in the past week. Ed McMahon kicked it off, then Farrah, then Michael, today Billy Mays, and now Gale Storm. The TV has constantly been memorializing them with tributes. Even the President got involved by sending a letter to the Jackson family. Yes, it's all very sad. Death is sad, but such is life.

These deaths from....cancer and heart issues. What can we learn? I have a feeling we'll learn the most from MJ's death. I think he was anorexic, took too much of some kind of drug that had a paralyzing affect on his central nervous system. I also wonder if he had a preexisting heart condition because he had a Cardiologist always at his side.To me this means there was an underlying heart issues. This is a death that could have been prevented - if he wanted it to be.

The only death I have experienced when it came to someone I loved was of the sudden death kind. It's a total shock. I've had close friends who experienced long, drawn out deaths from terminal illnesses and I can't say one is easier than the other. You get to say goodbye with one but not with the other. Maybe we should learn to say goodbye before we have to. We live our lives- working our asses off, trying to make ends meet, taking care of our families, raising our children just so they can grow up and leave us, and by the time we have a chance to stop and take a breath our bodies are already beat up. There has to be more to life than just this. I guess this is what life's about, hard with a little bit of precious moments in between. Have to grab those moments and hold onto them as long as we can...then they just turn into memories. But that's good too.

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