Tuesday, August 11


Got my new Blackberry sent to me. Yay. I'm downloading applications as I type. I ran my ass across town during rush hour traffic (do we even have a rush hour here or is that just on the East Coast?) because my son refused to get up for FedEx. Well, those lazy, crazy days of summer are going to end on August 31st. Yes, that is their firs today of school this year. Early. A slave to the alarm clock once again.

Ubertwitter is done downloading. I now need my CNN.

Work has been crazy lately. Our manager has been out all week. The past three weeks he's been in and out. My supervisor is having a rough time coping with everything. I'd offer my assistance but I'm going to harden my feelings toward him and the whole situation. I need to work. I have no idea what's going on with my boss, but I know it's something serious with his 15 year old. I have a feeling it's something along the lines of Leukemia or some other type of cancer. I can see in my manager's face the hardship he's going through and it breaks my heart. No parent should have to go through something like this. I have no idea how they're working this out. I assume he's on some type of FMLA plan right now. I pray everything turns out for the best. I have a feeling it will. Prayers.

Ubertwitter and CNN - done. Next up - AIM.

I really do have to go to bed. I'm not dragging as much as I was yesterday. I should get used to these new hours in about a year.

Talked to J briefly. Of course he wants it when he wants it. He doesn't understand that I have a life too. He doesn't care what I have to do. That's not important. Spoiled rotten and so used to getting his way. It must be hard living in this world.


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