Monday, July 13

Faux Sick

I decided to stay home today because i didn't feel that great over the weekend and thought I should sleep in today. Everyone needs to sleep in, don't they? It seems the flu feeling has left me now. I wonder if it was the swine flu. Never know.

Instead here I am...home and arguing with T about something stupid that he did. I go round and round and can never seem to conclude the argument with him. He always fails to see he did anything wrong or that he hurt me. Impossible to be close to a person like this. He just doesn't get it. He is such a perfect person.

Last night I spent my time talking to J. It wasn't the greatest conversation either. I had a lot of cards to put on the table with him as well. It sure is hard being married and having these two single guys on the side. LOL. These men are already old and set in their ways. They'll never change. I should set up an auto reply for my email that says that so every time they email that's what will be returned...."you're an old man and set in your ways and you will never change, so leave me the hell alone."

I caved and joined Facebook yesterday. I have no idea why I did because it's rather boring and I don't have that many close friends. I know, sad. I am such a hermit and mostly socialize with only my family. The way I like it. Most of the people I talk to are through work. I have absolutely no desire to get in touch with anyone from my ELEMENTARY SCHOOL! That is so ridiculous. And the few I would like to talk to can't be found.

We will see how that goes.

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