There are so many good things about a summer's day.
- Freshly washed clothes on a clothesline.
- Naps.
- Having an unofficial bubble-blowing contest with the unseen kid in the balcony above, who so obviously copied you and sadly thinks he can out bubble you.
- Last day of school.
- Making mud pies.
- Picking flowers..."he loves me, he loves me not"...
- Laying on the grass and watching the clouds go by.
- Waiting around for something or nothing.
- The smell of freshly cut grass (before your allergies kick in).
- Popsicles, ice cream, hot dogs...
- Running through sprinklers until you're exhausted.
- Water balloon fights (especially when you get that bastard).
- Unplanned picnics and a good book to read.
- Cherry blossoms. Lots of 'em.
- Trying to skip stones even though you never could (and still can't).
- Spraying the garden hose on an unsuspecting friend.
- Dipping your toes in the ocean.
- Staring at the stars with a good friend, and a cookie.
- Scratching mosquito bites.
- Feeling like the day is endless.
- Having a bit of hope.

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