Wednesday, August 12


Got to work late today. I had to go to school and register the boy. It was nice to sleep in a little. I made sure I left at my usual time too. I was feeling a bit nostalgic today when I thought back to the days of when he was a little boy. They were such sweet days, ones that seemed to last forever at the time. I remember leaving him at Preschool, it was so hard to do. I would kiss him goodbye and right before I got into my car I made sure I gave him one last kiss. I would go up to the chain link fence, he would run up enthusiastically to it, making sure he didn't cross the line and he would put his little lips through the chain link fence and so would I, then peck me and runaway to have a grand ol' time. He had to get the basketball or ride one of the bikes merrily around the yard. All the boys smiling and laughing as they would be crashing into one another. I have to admit it was kind of cute. I would stand there watching him play with the other little boys, admiring how nicely he got along with them. It would send me off to work with a smile. I was a proud mama. I frequently reminded him of these days throughout the years, so of course he remembers it all. Now he is older and he's changed. I have to pull teeth just to get a hug. Honey, can we snuggle like we used to when you were little? Of course we can't. Those days are over. Now I can only be blessed with Grandchildren someday. I hope I'm not robbed of all these precious memories as my old age arrives. If I'm cheated like that I hope I don't know it. The sad thing about old age is you can't avoid it no matter what you do...or don't.

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